The Waldorf 800 Series.
8Chill where you cook.Refrigerated drawerskeep raw materialsclose at hand.Our powerfulburners are builtto perform.Extended trivets andinterchangeables
9Cleaning made easier.The 800 Series range is designed for laboursaving, easy cleaning. Rounded corners,internal and external edges enable easierwipe
Our Environment.All Moffat technology is both aproduct of its environment anda product for the environment.That means that whether the design,developm
Now the power to create really is in your hands.11
More power to design your own workspace. Bench/Leg Stand Bench/Cabinet Bench/Refrigerated BaseGriddle/Cabinet Griddle/Leg Sta
The creative possibilities are almost endless.More tops and bottoms.Need a Oven to go under that Griddle? A Gas Cooktop withstorage undernea
More power.14
Cooktops.Simplicity of operation and augmented performance are thekey features defining WaldorfÕs range of Gas and ElectricCooktops.Gas Cooktops featu
More options.Ask for a detailed specification sheeton any of the Waldorf 800 SeriesCooktops outlining construction,features and installation informati
Gas Cooktops 1200mmWaldorf 8800 Series 6 BurnerCooktop variations.Available in Bench, with CabinetBase, with Leg Stand or withRefrigerated Base models
The benchmark in performance reinvented.800 series burner 3low back units 4whatÕs new 7cooktops 14oven ranges 20target tops 26griddles 28chargrills 32
18Electric Cooktops.Standard Features.Heavy-duty 304 stainless steel finish2.4kW radiant elements2, 4 or 6 hot plate size configurationSix temperature
20WhatÕs in an oven?Waldorf 800 Series Oven Ranges start with aheavy-duty galvanized steel chassis. All oven linersare fully welded and vitreous ename
Gas RangeDouble Static Oven 1200mmWaldorf 8820 Series 8 Burner DoubleStatic Oven Hob variations.RN8820GRN8823GRN8826GRN8829GDimensions:W 1200mm, D 805
Ask for a detailed specification sheeton any of the Waldorf 800 SeriesOven Ranges outlining construction,features and installation information.22Gas R
23Durable cast iron sole platesprovide excellent heatretention and recovery.
Easy clean, vitreous enamelinterior offers 2/1Gastronorm capacity andgenerous crown height.Electric Ranges.Standard Features.Heavy-duty 304 grade stai
Ask for a detailed specification sheeton any of the Waldorf 800 SeriesOven Ranges outlining construction,features and installation information.25
Waldorf 900mm Target Tops are available as stand-alonehobs, or with a choice of four base units Ð cabinet base, legstand, refrigeration base, or oven
Target Top 900mmWaldorf 8100 Series Target Topvariations. Available in Bench, withCabinet Base, with Leg Stand or withRefrigerated Base models.RN8100G
The Waldorf 800 Series continues thetradition of bulletproof performanceand dependability with a rangeof European inspired equipmentthat redefines how
Griddles.Gas Griddle 600mmWaldorf 8600 Series Griddlevariations. Available in Bench, withCabinet Base or with Leg Standmodels.GP8600G-BGP8600G-CBGP860
Electric Griddle 900mmWaldorf 8900 Series Griddlevariations. Available in Bench, withCabinet Base, with Leg Stand or withRefrigerated Base models.GP89
Gas Griddle Oven 900mmWaldorf 8910 Series gas GriddleOven variations.GP8910GEGP8910GECDimensions:W 900mm, D 805mm, H 915mmIncl. splashback 1130mmIncl.
Gas Griddle Toaster 600mmGT8600GDimensions:W 600mm, D 805mm, H 915mmIncl. splashback 1130mmGriddle Toaster.The new Waldorf 800 Series Griddle Toaster
32Waldorf 800 Series Gas Chargrills can deliver apowerful performance. The 33MJ/hr stainless steelburners per 300mm section are designed to takebliste
33Ask for a detailed specification sheeton any of the Waldorf 800 SeriesChargrills outlining construction,features and installation information.Chargr
Heavy-duty reversible gratesfor level or inclined use.34
35Gas Chargrill 300mmWaldorf 8300 Series Chargrill.Available in Bench model.CH8300G-BDimensions:W 300mm, D 805mm, H 315mmIncl. splashback 530mmGas Cha
36User-friendly Waldorf Gas and Electric Salamanders are wellequipped to meet the production and performance demandsof the professional kitchen.Effici
Ask for a detailed specification sheeton any of the Waldorf 800 SeriesSalamanders outlining construction,features and installation information.37Adjus
An expanded range of equipment, with more features and mcreative possibilities. Cleaner lines and consistency in mfit together to create an almost se
More performance.Whatever your deep-frying demands,Waldorf covers all possibilities with arange including single or twin pan,Fast Fri Gas, Electric or
39Ask for a detailed specification sheet onany of the Waldorf 800 Series Fryersoutlining construction, features andinstallation information.Waldorf Fr
Gas Fryer 600mmWaldorf Fast Fri Single PanGas Fryer variations.31 litre capacityFN8130GMechanical controlsFN8130GEDigital display electronic controlsH
Waldorf Filtamax is a fully integrated filtration system,designed to fit in the unused space beneath the Waldorf FastFri Gas and Electric Fryers.Moist
Bratt Pans.Big on performance, the 800 Series of tilting Bratt Pans hasexpanded to include a choice of 80 litre (900mm wide) or120 litre (1200mm wide)
Tilting Bratt Pan 900mmWaldorf Gas 80 litre Bratt Panvariations.BP8080GManually operated tiltingmechanisimBP8080GEElectric power tilting mechanisimWal
44With the addition of the 800 SeriesPasta Cooker your speed andcapacity for high volume pastaproduction is increased.
Pasta Cooker 450mmWaldorf Single Pan Gas Pasta Cooker.40 litre capacity.PC8140GWaldorf Single Pan Electric PastaCooker. 40 litre capacity.PC8140EDimen
46When you add a Bench Topto your Waldorf 800 Seriesline up youÕre giving yourselfextra space to create.The Waldorf 800 Series 450mmBench Top with Cab
The 800 Series Bench Top has been designed to seamlesslybe added to any cooking lineup or to a new low back islandsuite. In a variety of widths and co
d more combinations, means more options and unlimitedn modular design across the entire range enable units to. The industry preferred 800mm depth
Roast Beurre Bosc Pear withAged Gouda and Rocket Saladwith Candied Walnuts.Motunau Crayfish withRissotto and a Tarragon/Chardonnay Cream Sauce.Apple G
Taste the Waldorf 800 Series.Our network of dealer showrooms is wellresourced to provide all the information youneed on the Waldorf 800 Series. To see Pty LimitedVictoria/Tasmania740 Springvale RoadMulgrave, Victoria 3170Telephone 0
5The new Waldorf 800 Series low back units delivera seamless solution for the island suite kitchen.Create the layout you desire, mix and match topsand
Smooth operation.On its own, or as part of a whole cooking line,every unit in the 800 Series is designed tolook fantastic. The same design philosophyh
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