User ManualAttackD-PolePPG Wave 2.V
Waldorf Edition User Manual 10 Waldorf Playing the Attack Live If you notice considerable latency times (delay) when you play the Attack via MIDI, t
Waldorf Edition User Manual 11 Waldorf Recall Sound restores the sound to its original saved settings. Use this function if you’re not happy wit
Waldorf Edition User Manual 12 Waldorf 12. Channel 16 is reserved for controlling both delays with controllers. As an ad-dendum to this m
Waldorf Edition User Manual 13 Waldorf Polyphony of the Attack The Attack has up to 64 voices. The number of available voices depends on available
Waldorf Edition User Manual 14 Waldorf Key Combinations If you hold down the [Strg] key (on the PC) or [Command] key (on a Mac compu-ter) when yo
Waldorf Edition User Manual 15 Waldorf The User Interface of the Attack The user interface of the Attack is split into useful segments for easy acc
Waldorf Edition User Manual 16 Waldorf Triangle selects the triangular waveform. The triangle mainly consists of odd harmonics with very low mag
Waldorf Edition User Manual 17 Waldorf w Pitch Env is one of the most important parameters in drum programming be-cause it simulates the character
Waldorf Edition User Manual 18 Waldorf The overall modulation applied to FM is calculated as the sum of both the FM Env and FM Vel parameters. There
Waldorf Edition User Manual 19 Waldorf Rmod (Ring Modulation) 0%...100% Volume of the ring modulation between Oscillators 1 and 2. From a technica
Waldorf Edition User Manual 2 Waldorf Waldorf Music will not be liable for any erroneous information contained in this manual. The cont
Waldorf Edition User Manual 20 Waldorf and the frequencies above are called the stop band range. The Attack´s filter dam-pens frequencies in the sto
Waldorf Edition User Manual 21 Waldorf 12 dB Hi Pass Filter. This type is useful to thin out a sound’s bass fre-quencies. This may also give in
Waldorf Edition User Manual 22 Waldorf Resonance 0%...100% Controls the emphasis of the frequencies around the cutoff point (exept the EQ filter ty
Waldorf Edition User Manual 23 Waldorf 1/2. Bars to 1/64. syncs the triangle waveform of the LFO to dotted note values. 1/1t Bars to 1/64t
Waldorf Edition User Manual 24 Waldorf higher velocities. This gives an aypical character suitable for effect sounds. The ma-ximum volume is always
Waldorf Edition User Manual 25 Waldorf Sync Syncs the delay time to the tempo of the host application (assuming that it is capable of sending neede
Waldorf Edition User Manual 26 Waldorf Envelopes The envelopes create a control signal that varies with time. They are used, for example, to
Waldorf Edition User Manual 27 Waldorf Programming Drum Sounds To understand how to create drum sounds, you should know a little about how the clas
Waldorf Edition User Manual 28 Waldorf Simmons SDS-5 Bass Drum The Simmons SDS-5 bass drum consists of an oscillator and a noise generator, both rou
Waldorf Edition User Manual 29 Waldorf Roland TR-909 Snare Drum The TR-909 Snare Drum was made with two oscillators and two filters for noise. The
Waldorf Edition User Manual 3 Waldorf Installation of the Waldorf Edition System Requirements for Windows In order to be able to use the Waldorf Ed
Waldorf Edition User Manual 30 Waldorf harmonics. How Roland did it is something only they and maybe a handful of people know. If you h
Waldorf Edition User Manual 31 Waldorf The simplest method is to use the built-in samples of the Attack. However, those are provided just in case y
Waldorf Edition User Manual 32 Waldorf Shakers and Maracas Both are made with noise, either unfiltered or used to frequency modulate Oscillator 1 in
Waldorf Edition User Manual 33 Waldorf Osc 1 PEnv Select 16 76 Filter Mod Depth 45 105 Osc 1 FM 17 77 Output 46 106 Osc 1 FM Env 18 78 Amp Volume 4
Waldorf Edition User Manual 34 Waldorf PPG Wave 2.V Wavetable Synthesizer Introduction Thank you for your purchase of the Waldorf PPG Wav
Waldorf Edition User Manual 35 Waldorf nobody really wants to use this “feature”. There are many more factors, that are responsible
Waldorf Edition User Manual 36 Waldorf Content PPG Wave 2.V Introduction ... 34 Using the PPG
Waldorf Edition User Manual 37 Waldorf Using the PPG Wave 2.V If you click on the keys of the built-in keyboard, you will hear the corresponding
Waldorf Edition User Manual 38 Waldorf Select the desired Sound Program by clicking on a menu entry. Storing Banks and Programs In the PPG Wav
Waldorf Edition User Manual 39 Waldorf An edited and the original sound can at any time be compared with the Compare function (CMPR). If
Waldorf Edition User Manual 4 Waldorf System Requirements for Mac OS X In order to be able to use the Waldorf Edition, you will need at least: Ma
Waldorf Edition User Manual 40 Waldorf RemoteSL Control Page 1 PPG Wave 2.V Parameter Encoder 1 WAVETABLE Encoder 2 WAVES-OSC Encoder 3 WAVES-SUB En
Waldorf Edition User Manual 41 Waldorf RemoteSL Control Page 2 PPG Wave 2.V Parameter Encoder 1 TOUCH>MOD Encoder 2 TOUCH>WAVES Encoder 3 KEY
Waldorf Edition User Manual 42 Waldorf RemoteSL Control Page 3 PPG Wave 2.V Parameter Encoder 1 KEYB MODE Encoder 2 ARP ACTIVE Encoder 3 ARP MODE En
Waldorf Edition User Manual 43 Waldorf The User Interface Panel By and large, the PPG Wave 2.V user interface panel corresponds to that of the ori
Waldorf Edition User Manual 44 Waldorf Buttons: A mouse click on a button activates a function. The DIGI button can for instance be used to open
Waldorf Edition User Manual 45 Waldorf The Program Menu In the PPG Wave 2.V, you can simultaneously create up to eight different sounds. This
Waldorf Edition User Manual 46 Waldorf The Analog User Interface The analog user interface offers direct access to the dials on the PPG Wave 2.V. Th
Waldorf Edition User Manual 47 Waldorf (MODWHEEL). If it is fully turned down, no modulation takes place. Same as on the original PPG Wave synth, t
Waldorf Edition User Manual 48 Waldorf The PPG Wave 2.V has two ADSR and one AD Envelope with positive or negative deflection, which can also be edi
Waldorf Edition User Manual 49 Waldorf If ENV3>OSC or ENV3>SUB in the TUNE menu are active, Envelope 3 modulates the pitch of the cor
Waldorf Edition User Manual 5 Waldorf Activation of the Waldorf Edition The Waldorf Edition uses a copy protection system based on the users email
Waldorf Edition User Manual 50 Waldorf Waves-Oscillator (WAVES-OSC) 0...63 Waves-Oscillator controls the starting point of the Wavetable
Waldorf Edition User Manual 51 Waldorf that the Envelope intensity can only use the positive deflection form, same as on the original PPG Wave. ENV
Waldorf Edition User Manual 52 Waldorf can e.g. use this function to assign different effects or EQ settings to Sounds in Pro-gram mode. DIGITAL Men
Waldorf Edition User Manual 53 Waldorf OFF switches the Sub oscillator off. The Wave oscillator will sound twice as loud to compensate for the d
Waldorf Edition User Manual 54 Waldorf BEND>WAVES ON, OFF This parameter lets you use Pitch Bend to perform a Wave scan. As Pitch Bend nor-mall
Waldorf Edition User Manual 55 Waldorf ARP MODE UP, DOWN, ALT, RND, MOVING This parameter is used to determine the succession of created not
Waldorf Edition User Manual 56 Waldorf The setting 0 CENTS does not create a detuning effect, which can cause the signal to be out of phase. T
Waldorf Edition User Manual 57 Waldorf SUB: The Pitch Bend wheel is used to only change the pitch of the sub oscillator. The main oscillator’s p
Waldorf Edition User Manual 58 Waldorf KEY>WAVES 0%...233% This parameter allows you to play different Waves of a Wavetable with different no-t
Waldorf Edition User Manual 59 Waldorf w To complete the picture, this parameter can also be found in the DIGITAL menu section. MOD>
Waldorf Edition User Manual 6 Waldorf Waldorf Attack Percussion Synthesizer Introduction The Waldorf Attack offers a straightforward sound struct
Waldorf Edition User Manual 60 Waldorf SUB: The Pitch Bend wheel is used to only change the pitch of the sub oscillator. The main oscillator’s pi
Waldorf Edition User Manual 61 Waldorf The AD Envelope 3 only has two parameters: ATTACK and DECAY. ADSR Envelope 1 and 2 are structured ide
Waldorf Edition User Manual 62 Waldorf ENV1 RELEASE 21 SEMITONE 6 53 ENV2 ATTACK 22 SEMITONE 7 54 ENV2 DECAY 23 SEMITONE 8 55 ENV2 SUSTAIN 24 KEY>
Waldorf Edition User Manual 63 Waldorf D-Pole Filter Modul Introduction The Waldorf D-Pole is based on the filter algorithm used in the Waldorf M
Waldorf Edition User Manual 64 Waldorf Content D-Pole Introduction ... 63 Using the D-Pole ...
Waldorf Edition User Manual 65 Waldorf Using the D-Pole The D-Pole should be used as a so-called Insert Effect. Using this routing, the input si-gna
Waldorf Edition User Manual 66 Waldorf Importing VST or AudioUnit Presets into the corresponding plug-in format (Ma-cintosh only) VST and
Waldorf Edition User Manual 67 Waldorf Control Elements Using D-Pole’s controls is simple. There are two types: dials and switches. Dials To set a v
Waldorf Edition User Manual 68 Waldorf Quick Start When you have set up D-Pole as a Channel, Insert or Master effect, read the following section to
Waldorf Edition User Manual 69 Waldorf Turn the Ring Mod dial to a value of 100. Use the Osc Frequency dial to change the oscillator frequency
Waldorf Edition User Manual 7 Waldorf Content Attack Introduction ... 6 Using the Attack ..
Waldorf Edition User Manual 70 Waldorf Activate the Reset switch to the right of D-Pole’s LFO block and wait for ca. 2 se-conds, then your sta
Waldorf Edition User Manual 71 Waldorf How a filter works What is a filter? In general a filter is used to dampen certain parts of the frequency ran
Waldorf Edition User Manual 72 Waldorf Feedback A good filter has a built-in feedback feature. This allows you to feed the filtered signal back into
Waldorf Edition User Manual 73 Waldorf The Controls in Detail The Filter block D-Pole’s Filter block covers the frequency range between DC
Waldorf Edition User Manual 74 Waldorf Slope 12dB, 24dB This determines the filter slope and can be set to 12 dB or 24 dB per octave: Click on an “
Waldorf Edition User Manual 75 Waldorf When used as a Channel effect: If you use D-Pole as a Channel effect, it is fed with a monophonic input signa
Waldorf Edition User Manual 76 Waldorf sound, not unlike that of the first samplers that were released in the beginning of the 80s. If you set the S
Waldorf Edition User Manual 77 Waldorf w Please note that a slight temporal synchronization sets in, when the oscillator waveforms Trian
Waldorf Edition User Manual 78 Waldorf Feedback -100%...100% This parameter controls feedback strength of the Delay. Turn the Feedback dial to t
Waldorf Edition User Manual 79 Waldorf Turn the Tempo dial to the left to set a slow tempo. If you set Tempo to 0, LFO Speed an
Waldorf Edition User Manual 8 Waldorf Using the Attack You can play the Attack via MIDI like any other instrument, and record what you pla
Waldorf Edition User Manual 80 Waldorf The LFO block D-Pole’s LFO has a maximum frequency of more than 7000 Hz. It can modulate the filter and
Waldorf Edition User Manual 81 Waldorf Turn the Cutoff Mod dial to a middle position to decrease Cutoff Modulation. At a setting of 0% the LFO st
Waldorf Edition User Manual 82 Waldorf As an alternative, activate two filters and spread the drum loop onto two different channels,
Waldorf Edition User Manual 83 Waldorf EnvDecay 15 Filter Env. Decay Slope 41 Osc 2 Sync Type 54 Filter 1 Type Osc Shape 71 Wave 1 Startwave Osc Rou
Waldorf Edition User Manual 84 Waldorf Glossary Aftertouch The majority of contemporary keyboards are capable of generating aftertouch mes
Waldorf Edition User Manual 85 Waldorf ted when you use the corresponding dials, and can be recorded in your sequencer pro-gram. You can also graphi
Waldorf Edition User Manual 86 Waldorf defined minimum level. In the field of analog synthesis, a Gate is a control signal, which can
Waldorf Edition User Manual 87 Waldorf MIDI Clock The MIDI Clock message determines the tempo of a piece of music. It serves to syn-chronize
Waldorf Edition User Manual 88 Waldorf Trigger A trigger is a signal that activates events. Trigger signals are very diverse. For instance, a MIDI n
Waldorf Edition User Manual 9 Waldorf You can save complete banks or single kits. For information on saving, please read the corresponding manual s
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