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Strany 1 - Version 1.00, from: July 2006

TerraTec Producer KOMPLEXER VST English manual Version 1.00, from: July 2006

Strany 2

10 KOMPLEXER Manual EN MIDI controller To allocate a parameter to a certain MIDI Continuous Controller (MIDI CC), click the fader while holding d

Strany 3 - Contents:

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 11 KEYBOARD screen The KEYBOARD screen is smaller than the other windows. If your host program has problems displaying the diff

Strany 4 - Welcome!

12 KOMPLEXER Manual EN using PASTE. To rename a sound, simply double-click the name in the list of 16 or rename it in the host. The RECALL button

Strany 5 - Scope of delivery

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 13 MAIN screen On the MAIN screen, advanced users can intervene more deeply in the sound structure. The three oscillators, the

Strany 6 - Installing the KOMPLEXER VST

14 KOMPLEXER Manual EN while older Waldorf synthesizers and the PPG changed waveforms in hard steps. This you have the ability to smoothly superi

Strany 7 - Starting the KOMPLEXER VST

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 15 Bendrange - Range of the oscillator using the pitch bend wheel. Keytrack - At 100%, the oscillator follows the MIDI notes fo

Strany 8 - General operation

16 KOMPLEXER Manual EN FILTER 1+2 Filters 1+2 have an identical layout and, when not in use, can be disabled using the button next to the label i

Strany 9 - OPTIONS menu

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 17 Light, Medium and Hard are different levels of emulation of a transistor amplifier. By using them together with Resonance

Strany 10 - MIDI controller

18 KOMPLEXER Manual EN Other parameters on the main screen LFO 1-3 - Control the speed of the LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillator); the same parame-t

Strany 11 - KEYBOARD screen

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 19 ENV/LFO screen As the name implies, you can edit the four envelope curves and the three LFOs in detail on the ENV/LFO scree

Strany 12 - Waldorf microQ import

2 KOMPLEXER Manual EN The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise tr

Strany 13 - MAIN screen

20 KOMPLEXER Manual EN LFOs The three LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillators) likewise have an identical layout. LFO 3, however, has an additional Step

Strany 14

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 21 MATRIX screen The MATRIX screen consists of the MODULATION, ARITHMETIC and MACRO controller areas. Using the modulation mat

Strany 15 - OSCILLATOR 3+2

22 KOMPLEXER Manual EN MACRO controller Here, you can program the powerful MACRO controllers. Each MACRO controller can control up to four param

Strany 16 - FILTER 1+2

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 23 For each parameter, you can now define in which knob range it is affected by the MACRO controller and how strongly it is a

Strany 17 - KOMPLEXER Manual EN 17

24 KOMPLEXER Manual EN Mode Key - The pattern is played for as long as a MIDI note is pressed. One Shot - The pattern is played through once. Hol

Strany 18 - 18 KOMPLEXER Manual EN

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 25 effect and sound. At 127, you only hear the effect. You can switch between Chorus, Flanger, Phaser and Drive using Type. FX2

Strany 19 - ENV/LFO screen

26 KOMPLEXER Manual EN Automation Of course, all parameters of the KOMPLEXER VST are available to the host software, VSTi Automation. The KOMPL

Strany 20 - 20 KOMPLEXER Manual EN

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 3 Contents: Welcome! ...

Strany 21 - ARITHMETIC

4 KOMPLEXER Manual EN Welcome! We're pleased that you've chosen the TerraTec Producer KOMPLEXER VST for your musical endeavors and woul

Strany 22 - MACRO controller

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 5 From opening the package to installation Before using the KOMPLEXER VST on your computer, take note of any special points per

Strany 23 - ARP/FX screen

6 KOMPLEXER Manual EN Windows installation—step by step Please follow the steps in the exact order they are listed and ensure that Windows is cor

Strany 24 - Direction

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 7 Starting the KOMPLEXER VST After connecting a suitable keyboard to your computer via MIDI or USB, check to make sure that you

Strany 25 - KOMPLEXER Manual EN 25

8 KOMPLEXER Manual EN Sound architecture The KOMPLEXER VST offers a sound structure with four layers. All four layers are always saved for each s

Strany 26 - Automation

KOMPLEXER Manual EN 9 The HEADER The HEADER is visible on each screen of the KOMPLEXER VST. It provides the global overview and includes the follo

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