BedienungsanleitungUser's Manual
ForewordThank you for purchasing the MicroWave II/XT/XTk. You now own a wavetable synthesizerfeaturing a wide range of unique sounds.To ensure your in
Other FunctionsUpdating the System SoftwareThe MicroWave II/XT/XTk has an service-friendly feature that makes it possible to updatethe system software
Converting MicroWave SoundsThe MicroWave II/XT/XTk can also use Sound and Multi programs made for the firstMicroWave. It has a built-in converting fea
AppendixTechnical DataModel MicroWave II MicroWave XT XTkAudio OutputsMaximum level: +10dBm +10dBm +10dBmSignal-to-noise ratio: 100dB 100dB 100dBFrequ
MIDI Controller AssignmentsWaldorf Microwave 2/XT/XTk Controller Number AssignmentSoftware release 2.28Contr. No. Range Parameter Value Range1 0É127 M
42 0É121 Osc 2 Pitchbend Scale 0É120:semitones 121:harmonic122:global43 0É127 Osc 2 Keytrack -100%É+200%44 0É1 Osc 2 Link 0:off 1:on45 0É127 Wave 1 Le
94 0..127 Mod 1 Amount -64..+6395 0..127 Mod 2 Amount -64..+63102 0É2 Arp Active 0:off 1:on 2:hold103 0É9 Arp Range 1É10 Octaves104 0É15 Arp Clock 1/1
106User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTkSystem Exclusive Data FormatSee
User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTk1072.12 SNDD******************************************************SNDD 10h Sound DumpA sound dum
108User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTk179-206 IDATA see 3.3 Instrument #6 data207-234 IDATA see 3.3 Instrument #7 data235-262 IDATA see 3.
User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTk109HH LL Location----------------------------------------------------00 00 .. 00 7F Control
About this ManualThis manual was written to help you become familiar with the Waldorf MicroWaveII/XT/XTk. It will also help experienced users with rou
110User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTkThe full format of a DISP Dump is:Index Label Value Description---------------------------------
User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTk1113. Data Formats3.1 SDATA - Sound Data******************************************************Note: All
112User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTkRelease123 0-2 normal,single,retrigger Amplifier EnvTrigger124 reserved125 0-127 0
User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTk11318 38 Wave 2 Env Amount19 39 Wave 2 Velo Amount20 40 Wave 2 Keytrack21 47 Mix Wa
114User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTk10 Abs value11 Min value12 Max value13 Lag processor14 Control filter15 Differentiator--------------
User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTk115Index Range Value Parameter------------------------------------------------------0 0-15
------------------------------------------------------******************************************************2.83 INFD*********************************
GlossaryAftertouchThe majority of contemporary keyboards are capable of generating aftertouch messages. Onthis type of keyboard, when you press harder
Control Change (Controllers)MIDI messages enable you to manipulate the response of a sound generator to a significantdegree.This message essentially c
GateThe term „Gate“ has different meanings in a technical context. Like a real gate, it describessomething, that can be open or closed, or - to use a
General Safety Guidelines Please read the following safety tips carefully!They include several precautions you should always observe when dealing wit
ModulationA modulation influences or changes a sound-shaping component via a modulation source.Modulation sources include envelopes, LFOs or MIDI mess
TriggerA trigger is a signal that activates events. Trigger signals are very diverse. For instance, aMIDI note or an audio signal can be used as trigg
Function Transmitted Recognized RemarksBasic Default 1 1Channel Changed 1 - 16 1 -16Default x xMode Messages x xAltered ************ xNote 0 - 127 0 -
FCC Information (U.S.A.)1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! This product, when installed as indicated in the instructionscontained in this M
© Waldorf Electronics 1999 • Printed in GermanyWaldorf Electronics GmbH • Neustraße 12 • D-53498 Waldorf • Germany •
Maintenance• Do not open the device or remove the cover. Refer all service and repair tasks toqualified personnel. The interior of the chassis contain
Setup and OperationInventoryThe Waldorf MicroWave II/XT/XTk comes complete with:• the MicroWave II or MicroWave XT or XTk• 12V/1000mA DC adapter (Micr
☞ Follow these steps to connect the devices:• Turn all units off.• Connect the MicroWave II/XT/XTk’s main audio outputs Main Out Left/Stereo 쐇and Main
Quick StartThis chapter gives you a quick introduction into the MicroWave II/XT/XTk and its features. Itis written for those people that want to get a
1. First, switch back to program A001 Saw Repeat WMF.2. Press the Play button 햽 again to access this page. The display then shows 4 soundparameters th
3. Use the first value dial to change the cutoff frequency of the filter. Play some notesto hear the effect. Reduce the value to get a darker sound. A
2. As you can see, the Ringmod parameter is already set to its maximum value. Thisis the reason why the basic sound character is so hard. Turn it down
Multi ModeIn Multi mode, you can combine up to 8 sounds. Each sound in a Multi program is calledan Instrument because it has some additional settings
The initialization causes the Multi’s parameters to be set to default values. Each Instrumentis assigned to Sound program A001and its MIDI receive cha
2. Change the Status setting to on. Now the Instrument is active and you can listento it when playing on the keyboard.The XTk has an extended status s
OperationPower SwitchingThe MicroWave II/XT/XTk is equipped with a software-based power control, which means itis initially in standby mode when you s
☞ This is how you select a program:1. Use the Page Dial 햴 to select the appropriated program. Turning the dialclockwise increases the program number,
When Multi mode is selected, you can play and edit the multi programs and the singlesounds each program is based upon.☞ This is how you switch back to
The picture shows five page groups, divided into the sections Sound, Multi, Instrumentand Global. Each group has a select key 햷…햻 and an activation LE
Turning the dial clockwise selects the next page, turning it counterclockwise selectsthe previous page.4. Use the value dials 햾 to adjust the correspo
☞ This is how you use the Compare function:1. Press and hold the Shift key 햽.2. Briefly press the Compare key 햹.3. Release the Shift key 햽.4. The disp
5. Use the second value dial to select the store type:• If Soundis selected, the current Sound program will be stored. When usedin Multi Mode, the Sou
➤Vielen Dank für den Kauf dieses Waldorf Produktes. Es zeichnet sich durchZuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit aus. Dennoch können Material- oderVerarbei
Please note that – like any usual edits – you have to store your modified programs tomake the changes permanent.Panic FunctionThe Panic function sen
If you are in Multi mode, there is a corresponding function to init a Multi program.You can select it by turning the page dial 햴 one step clockwise ag
• The Glide button enables or disabled the glide function. It also uses a dedicatedLED to show the glide state.• The Env. Select key selects one of fo
About Wavetable SynthesisBasicsThe sound generation of the MicroWave II/XT/XTk is based on wavetable synthesis. Thistype of synthesis combines analog
OverviewTo illustrate the principle of wavetable synthesis, we start with an overview that is correct ina scientific way:A wavetable is a list consist
WaveA wave is the digitally stored image of a single wave cycle. From this point of view a waveis identical to a sample that is looped exactly after o
Now imagine an oscillator sweeping through these wavetable to play one of the waves:• When position 00 is selected, the oscillator plays the wave refe
A wavetable is a list of references to up to 64 waves, in between you can move randomly.Creating own WavetablesSooner or later you want to create your
Sound ParametersOverview of FunctionsThe Waldorf MicroWave II/XT/XTk consists of numerous sound-shaping components. Thefollowing overview gives you an
OscillatorsThe oscillators are the first unit in the chain of the MicroWave II/XT/XTk’s sound generation.In comparison to a classic analog synthesizer
4Produktunterstützung / Product Support✁Wenn Sie Fragen zu Ihrem Waldorf Produkt haben, gibt es vierMöglichkeiten, uns zu kontaktieren:If you have any
Keytrack-100%...+200%Determines how much the pitch of the oscillator depends on the MIDI note number. Thereference note for Keytrack is E3, note numbe
Semitone-12...+12Determines the pitch of the oscillator in semitone steps. The standard setting for thisparameter is 0, but there are cases where diff
Linkoff / onAllows the same modulation settings for both oscillators to be used. When enabled,oscillator 2 uses the modulation parameters of oscillato
WavesThe waves are the sound sources of the MicroWave II/XT/XTk. They are driven by theoscillators‘ output signal and define the basic spectrum of the
listen to the wavetables: Start with an initialized sound and turn down the mix level ofOscillator 2. In the Mod Matrix, setup a modulation that uses
Limitoff / onThis setting prevents, if enabled, accessing the analog type waveforms triangle, square andsawtooth in any case of modulation. When disab
EnvVelAmt-64…+63Determines the amount of influence the wave envelope has on the wavetable modulation,based on key velocity. In conjunction with EnvAmo
QualityThe quality parameters control the input stage of the Mixer. They determine the amount ofAliasing and Time Quantization applied to the sound as
MixerIn the mixer you control the volumes of both waves and the noise generator. An optionalring modulation extends the tonal range of the MicroWave I
Play AccessThe Play Access page is a very exciting feature that gives you an easy accessible controlover 4 freely-definable Sound parameters. This can
ContentsControl Features and Connections of the MicroWave II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Additional Controls and Connectors of the
Here are some examples of useful parameter sets for the Play Access page.Example 1Example 2Example 3Example 4 Please note that the Play Access settin
FilterOnce the audio signal leaves the mixer, it is sent to the filters. The MicroWave II/XT/XTk hastwo independent filter units, each with its own in
Filter 1Filter 1 gives you the most flexibility by offering low pass, high pass and band pass types. Inaddition, there is an sine waveshaping filter w
Cutoff Env. Amount-64…+63Determines the amount of influence the filter envelope has on the cutoff frequency. Forpositive settings, the filter cutoff f
The filter types have the following display designations:When some of the above types are selected, an extra parameter appears on the Filter 1 / 2page
12dB Low Pass followed by Wave ShaperThis new filter type consists of two components, the first being a normal 12dB low passfilter as described in the
Filter 1 / 2Sample-and-hold 12dB Low-pass FilterThe S&H-filter has a sample-and-hold (S&H) circuit with adjustable rate in front of the 12dB
• Use the high pass setting 6dB HPto thin out the bass frequencies in order to get acleaner and more precious sound.Keytrack-200%…+197%Determines how
Volume and PanThis unit is the last part in the MicroWave II/XT/XTk’s signal routing. Its purpose is to set thevolume and the pan position of the soun
Chorusoff / onEnables the chorus effect. The chorus consists of two short delays where delay time ismodulated with a sine wave of about 0.5 Hz. It spr
Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72Filter Envelope . . . . . . . . .
EffectsThe Microwave II and Microwave XT have the ability to change the timbre of a sound byway of effects processing. In the table below the types of
Flanger 1EffectSpeed0…127Determines the oscillator speed of the flanger effect.Depth0…127Determines the amount of flanging.Mix127:0…0:127Determines th
AutoWahBPEffectThe AutoWahBP is basically a band-pass filter of which the cutoff is determined by thesignal’s strength.Sense0…127Controls the filter’s
Amp. ModEffectThe Amplitude Modulator can be used as a tremolo or as a low-frequency ring modulator.For use as a tremolo, the dry signal (the first nu
Mod DelayEffectThe modulated delay is a delay type effect where the delay time is modulated by a lowfrequency oscillator. The speed of the oscillator
Portamento and GlissandoThe term "portamento" describes the continuous gliding from one note to the next likestrings or some brass instrumen
TriggerThe Trigger parameters define how the various envelopes are started. In addition, you canactivate special dual and unisono modes to stack the M
Free Env.normal / single / retriggerDetermines the way of triggering the Free Envelope.• If normalis selected, every note triggers the envelope of its
ArpeggiatorAn arpeggiator is a device that splits an incoming MIDI chord into its single notes andrepeats them rhythmically. Different sequence modes
Tempoextern / 50…300Sets the arpeggiator’s basic tempo. Can be defined manually in BPM (beats per minute) orvia MIDI clock, if externis selected. The
Control Features and Connections of the MicroWave IIFront PanelRear Panel쐃 Power supply socket DC 12Vwith cable clip쐇 Main Out Left/Stereo쐋 Main Out R
Directionup / down / alternate / randomDetermines the sequence of generated notes according to pitch.• If upis selected, the arpeggio starts at the lo
Position1…pattern lengthTriggeroff / onThese two parameters are used to define the user programmable rhythm pattern. Beforeentering the pattern, you m
EnvelopesThe MicroWave II/XT/XTk’s envelopes allow you to manipulate sound parameters via rateor timed modulations. The MicroWave II/XT/XTk offers fou
Sustain0…127Determines the sustain level which is held until a note ends.Release0…127Once the note has ended, the release phase begins. During this ph
Wave EnvelopeThe MicroWave II/XT/XTk’s wave envelope features a multi segment characteristic with 8separately adjustable times and levels. Multi segm
Level 1…80…127End level that the corresponding segment finally reaches.Key On Loopoff / onSelects whether a loop is performed in the envelope’s sustai
The following diagram shows how this example works:☞ This is how you setup an envelope that it works like a sawtooth LFO with differentrates in the su
Free EnvelopeIn addition to the previously described envelopes, the MicroWave II/XT/XTk offers a FreeEnvelope which can be used for modulation purpose
Low-frequency Oscillators (LFOs)In addition to the main oscillators, the MicroWave II/XT/XTk is equipped with two low-frequency oscillators which can
Symmetry-64…+63Adjusts the relationship between the rising and the falling edge of the signal. When set to 0the generated waveshape is symmetrical. Wh
Additional Controls and Connectors of the MicroWave XTThe MicroWave XT features the same controls and connectors as the MicroWave II. Inaddition it of
Shapesine / triangle / square / sawtooth / random / S & HDetermines the type of waveshape to be generated. Sample & Hold samples a randomvalue
Modifiers and Modulation MatrixThe modifiers allow you to perform mathematical functions on modulation signals.Depending on the function type selected
Modifier DelayControl Delay Time0…127Determines the time for which the modulation signal is delayed.Sourcesee Table 3Selects the modulation source who
The following paragraph describes the function and the result of each modifier function indetail:+Returns the sum of Source #1 and Source #2.-Returns
abs valueReturns the value of Source #1 without its sign. Negative values areconverted to their corresponding positive amounts. Parameter has nofuncti
Modulation MatrixA modulation can be described as influencing a sound parameter by a signal generatingunit. The terms used in this context are "s
Destinationsee Table 5Defines the modulation destination. The table below shows all possible settings for thisparameter:Table 5: Modulation destinatio
Multi ModeMulti parametersThe Multi parameters consist of settings which are common to all instruments in a multiprogram.VolumeTempoControlsKeyboard C
Instrument parametersThe Instrument parameters consist of individual settings for each Instrument in a multiprogram.Selecting an instrument for editin
Statusoff / onStatusoff / Keys/MIDI / Keys / MIDIDetermines whether the instrument is disabled or enabled. On the XTk, you can determinewhether the se
Additional Controls and Connectors of the XTkThe XTk features the same controls and connectors as the MicroWave XT. In addition itoffers a 4 octave ke
Lowest Velocity1…127This parameter allows you to limit the velocity range in which the instrument is played.Only notes with a velocity higher or equal
Range1…10Determines the range of the single notes in octaves.Patternoff / user / 1…15Determines whether an rhythm pattern is played and which one.• If
Reset on Pattern Startoff / onSelects if the arpeggiator is reset each time the rhythm pattern starts again. If the setting isdisabled, the arpeggiato
Global ParametersGlobal parameters are settings that influence the MicroWave II/XT/XTk’s general response.These are determined separately from the pro
PrgChangesound / multi / combinedDetermines the way MIDI Program Change messages are processed.• If soundis selected, program changes are used to sele
Control W…Control Z0…120These parameters are used to define modulation sources that are freely definable MIDIcontrollers. Each value represents a MIDI
Input Gain1…4Sensitivity of the external audio input Analog In 쐎.Master Tuning430…450 HzDetermines the MicroWave II/XT/XTk’s overall pitch. The value
MIDI ControlThis chapter describes the MIDI control options of the MicroWave II/XT/XTk.Selecting ProgramsCalling Programs via Program ChangeAll of the
System Exclusive Data TransmissionSystem exclusive data transmission lets you send and receive the contents of theMicroWave II/XT/XTk’s memory via MID
6. Briefly press the Utility key 햷 while holding the Shift key 햽 again.See appendix for detailed information on system exclusive specifications. Depe
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