8In addition to the classic filter types, theMicroWave II/XT also has additionalinteresting models. These filters guaran-tee you a large number of ver
9To get from the Play-Page to Multi-Mode,turn the third knob from the left underthe display (Sound/Multi) slightly to theright. In Multi-Mode, up to e
10Up to now we have dealt with pre-sets,this chapter is dedicated to creatingyour own sounds from scratch.With just a few turns of the knob youwill ve
11• SetWave 1 Startwave to saw• Set Mix Wave 2 to 000• Set Cutoff to 90• Amplifier-Envelope:Attack = 000Decay = 020Sustain = 000Release = 000• Switch
12• Set Sound A011 back to its originalsetting by pushing Shift + Recall• Select Wavetable 028• Set Osc1 and Osc2 Detune to a smallpositive and a smal
13• Set Sound A011 back to its originalsetting by pushing Shift + Recall• Set the Startwave of Wave 1 and 2to saw• Set Osc1 and Osc2 Detune to a small
14After-touchAfter-touch data is special MIDI commu-nication that results from holding a keyon the Masterkeyboard down and press-ing it "more&quo
15LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)An LFO is an oscillator whose oscillationis not used to create sound, but to modu-late various functions such as oscil
For more information please see yourmusic dealer.We also suggest you read the usermanual, where you can find all thenecessary fundamental steps you ne
© 1999 Waldorf ElectronicsDistribution:Germany: TSi GmbH Neustrasse 9 - 12 • D - 53498 WaldorfFon: 0049-2636-97640 • Fax: 0049-2636-976499 • www.ts
Cookery CourseMain CourseAnalog SoundsWavetable-SoundsArpeggiator-SoundsFM-SoundsFilter-SoundsMulti-ModeCooking-Recipies1. Bass-Arpeggio2. Wavetable-S
Ingredients:• 1 MicroWave II or XT/-k and a powersupply• 2 Audio jack cables connected to asound system or• 1 Headphone• 1 Power socket• 1 MIDI Master
2• 8-times Multi-Mode• 10 voices (expandable to 30)• 256 Sounds, 128 Multis• 64 ROM-, 32 RAM-Wavetables• 64 Waves per Wavetable• programmable Arpeggia
3To give you a better idea of the numer-ous sound capabilities, we have devel-oped a Demo-Mode that can be enteredby pushing the Play/Shift and thePow
4Because of its synthesis architecture, theMicroWave II/XT is ideal for creatinganalog sounds.Because the behavior of an analogfilter is copied exactl
5One of the MicroWave II/XT fortes is theWavetables (➔glossary). "Scanning"them provides you with endless soundpossibilities, and offers you
6The MicroWave II/XT has a very power-ful arpeggiator (➔glossary), that not onlyoffers you the classic behaviour, but alsooffers 15 preset and 1 progr
7The MicroWave II/XT is capable of fre-quency modulation (FM), which createssounds with a bell-like ring to soundswith a metallic "flavour".
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