Waldorf MicroWave XT Uživatelský manuál

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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 18 19

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Strany 2

8In addition to the classic filter types, theMicroWave II/XT also has additionalinteresting models. These filters guaran-tee you a large number of ver

Strany 3

9To get from the Play-Page to Multi-Mode,turn the third knob from the left underthe display (Sound/Multi) slightly to theright. In Multi-Mode, up to e

Strany 4

10Up to now we have dealt with pre-sets,this chapter is dedicated to creatingyour own sounds from scratch.With just a few turns of the knob youwill ve

Strany 5 - Introducing MW T

11• SetWave 1 Startwave to saw• Set Mix Wave 2 to 000• Set Cutoff to 90• Amplifier-Envelope:Attack = 000Decay = 020Sustain = 000Release = 000• Switch

Strany 6

12• Set Sound A011 back to its originalsetting by pushing Shift + Recall• Select Wavetable 028• Set Osc1 and Osc2 Detune to a smallpositive and a smal

Strany 7

13• Set Sound A011 back to its originalsetting by pushing Shift + Recall• Set the Startwave of Wave 1 and 2to saw• Set Osc1 and Osc2 Detune to a small

Strany 8

14After-touchAfter-touch data is special MIDI commu-nication that results from holding a keyon the Masterkeyboard down and press-ing it "more&quo

Strany 9

15LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)An LFO is an oscillator whose oscillationis not used to create sound, but to modu-late various functions such as oscil

Strany 10

For more information please see yourmusic dealer.We also suggest you read the usermanual, where you can find all thenecessary fundamental steps you ne

Strany 11

© 1999 Waldorf ElectronicsDistribution:Germany: TSi GmbH Neustrasse 9 - 12 • D - 53498 WaldorfFon: 0049-2636-97640 • Fax: 0049-2636-976499 • www.ts

Strany 12

Cookery CourseMain CourseAnalog SoundsWavetable-SoundsArpeggiator-SoundsFM-SoundsFilter-SoundsMulti-ModeCooking-Recipies1. Bass-Arpeggio2. Wavetable-S

Strany 13

Ingredients:• 1 MicroWave II or XT/-k and a powersupply• 2 Audio jack cables connected to asound system or• 1 Headphone• 1 Power socket• 1 MIDI Master

Strany 14

2• 8-times Multi-Mode• 10 voices (expandable to 30)• 256 Sounds, 128 Multis• 64 ROM-, 32 RAM-Wavetables• 64 Waves per Wavetable• programmable Arpeggia

Strany 15

3To give you a better idea of the numer-ous sound capabilities, we have devel-oped a Demo-Mode that can be enteredby pushing the Play/Shift and thePow

Strany 16

4Because of its synthesis architecture, theMicroWave II/XT is ideal for creatinganalog sounds.Because the behavior of an analogfilter is copied exactl

Strany 17 - MicroWave II/XT-CookBook

5One of the MicroWave II/XT fortes is theWavetables (➔glossary). "Scanning"them provides you with endless soundpossibilities, and offers you

Strany 18

6The MicroWave II/XT has a very power-ful arpeggiator (➔glossary), that not onlyoffers you the classic behaviour, but alsooffers 15 preset and 1 progr

Strany 19

7The MicroWave II/XT is capable of fre-quency modulation (FM), which createssounds with a bell-like ring to soundswith a metallic "flavour".

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