Waldorf PPG Wave 2.V Uživatelský manuál

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Strany 2

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 10 Operation Manual The host application must support the Novation RemoteSL and its „AutoMap“feature to be able to control the At

Strany 3

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 11 WaldorfThe ControlsSimply use the mouse to set the PPG Wave 2.V controls. Dials: To set this control, click on it, h

Strany 4 - Introduction

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 12 Operation Manual Graphic Display: Click on one of the handles to continuously andsmoothly change the envelope parameters or c

Strany 5 - Installation under Windows

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 13 WaldorfThe Program MenuIn the PPG Wave 2.V, you can simultaneously create up to eight different sounds. Thisfunction i

Strany 6 - Installation under Mac OS

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 14 Operation ManualQUAD and MONO modes, voices are equally spread within the stereo spectrum. Thisfunction only makes sense, if yo

Strany 7

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 15 Waldorf Same as on the original PPG, the LFO waveform Square jumps between “no mo-dulation” and “full positive modula

Strany 8 - Storing Banks and Programs

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 16 Operation Manual The original PPG had an especially interesting feature, which can of course al-ways be found in the Plug-In.

Strany 9 - MIDI Functions

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 17 Waldorflable on all MIDI channels. Please also read the section “Upper Waves” on page 20 ofthis manual).CUTOFF 0...63S

Strany 10 - The User Interface Panel

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 18 Operation ManualWAVES-SUB-Oscillator (WAVES-SUB) 0...63Depending on the setting of the SUB-WAVES parameter in the DIGITAL menu

Strany 11 - The Controls

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 19 WaldorfLFO SYNCPress this button to synchronize the LFO to the tempo of your Song. If LFOSync is active, the correspon

Strany 12 - Hiding the Keyboard

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 2 Operation ManualWaldorf-Music will not be liable for any erroneous information contained in thismanual. The contents of this man

Strany 13 - The Analog User Interface

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 20 Operation Manuallected Wavetable (except for the last four “analog” waveforms). Change the Wavetableto hear how the various Wav

Strany 14

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 21 WaldorfMOD>WAVES ON,OFFThis parameter lets you use the LFO as a modulation source for Wave scanning. Asmentioned e

Strany 15 - Envelopes

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 22 Operation Manualbe cut off. The note is not memorized. If you thus let go of the note of a chord, noolder note becomes audible.

Strany 16 - Modifiers

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 23 WaldorfTUNING Menu (TUNE)The Tuning menu lets you access all parameters that concern the tuning and pitch mo-dulation

Strany 17 - EMPHASIS 0...63

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 24 Operation Manualse, for example. Using the ENV 3 ATT dial on the analog user interface, you control,whether the deflection shou

Strany 18 - Modifiers Control

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 25 WaldorfMODULATION Menu (MOD)You can use the Modulation menu to make various settings that concern the modulati-on sour

Strany 19 - DIGITAL Menu (DIGI)

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 26 Operation Manual The keyboard of the original PPG Wave 2.3 was not able to recognize note velo-city, but it had a sensor for A

Strany 20 - KEY>WAVES 0%...233%

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 27 WaldorfTOUCH>MOD ON, OFFThis parameter lets you trigger an LFO modulation with monophonic Aftertouch(Channel Pre

Strany 21 - BEND>WAVES ON, OFF

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 28 Operation ManualGraphical Editor (GRAPH)In the Graphical Editor, you can quickly and easily edit the Envelopes and filter respo

Strany 22 - UP, DOWN, ALT, RND, MOVING

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 29 WaldorfGlossaryAftertouchMost modern MIDI keyboards can generate Aftertouch data. If you additionally pressdown an alr

Strany 23 - TUNING Menu (TUNE)

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 3 WaldorfContentIntroduction...4How near is the PPG Wave 2.V to theOr

Strany 24 - je 0...63

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 30 Operation ManualCVCV is an abbreviation for Control Voltage. Analog synthesizers use an analog voltage tocontrol sound paramete

Strany 25 - MODULATION Menu (MOD)

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 31 WaldorfGate-signal is active for as long as you hold down the key. If you let go of it, Gate im-mediately becomes inac

Strany 26 - ON,OFF

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 32 Operation ManualLFOs, Envelopes or MIDI messages. The modulation target, thus the influenced soundgeneration element, can e.g.

Strany 27 - 2 SEMI...1 OCT

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 33 Waldorfsive data. This data type is most commonly used to transfer complete sound memorysets or to fully control a de

Strany 28 - Concluding Remarks

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 34 Operation ManualMIDI Controller ListParameterMIDI controller Parameter MIDI controllerMODWHEEL 1 ARP ACTIVE 39VOLUME 7 ARP MODE

Strany 29 - Glossary

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 35 WaldorfController List for the Novation RemoteSLRemoteSL Control Page 1 PPG Wave 2.V ParameterEncoder 1 WAVETABLEEncod

Strany 30

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 36 Operation ManualSlider 4 ENV3 ATTACKSlider 5 ENV3 DECAYSlider 6 ENV3 ATTSlider 7 ENV3>OSCSlider 8 ENV3>SUBRemoteSL Contro

Strany 31

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 4 Operation ManualWaldorf PPG Wave 2.V Software SynthesizerIntroductionThank you for your purchase of the Waldorf PPG Wave 2.V sof

Strany 32

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 5 WaldorfDifferences to the Original PPG Wave 2.3From today’s viewpoint, some functions in the original PPG Wave 2.3 are

Strany 33

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 6 Operation ManualIf you have enabled the Autostart function in Windows, the Installer will start automati-cally and you can proce

Strany 34 - MIDI Controller List

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 7 WaldorfThe PPG Wave 2.V CD-ROM is your verification that you have purchased the program.Please store it in a safe place

Strany 35

PPG Wave 2.VWaldorf 8 Operation ManualSelecting and Playing ProgramsA PPG Wave 2.V Sound Bank consist of 128 Sound Programs. The PPG Wave 2.V co-mes w

Strany 36

PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 9 WaldorfCopying, inserting and comparing ProgramsUsing the COPY button, you can copy the current Sound into a clipboard

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