User´s Manualfor the Q SynthesizerQ Keyboard/Q Rack/Q+
Introduction – About this Manual11 Waldorf Q User’s ManualIntroductionAbout this ManualThis manual was written to help you to become familiar with the
Sound Parameters – Effects101 Waldorf Q User’s ManualSpacing 0…127Controls the frequency relation of the allpass filters. A setting of 0 produces a cl
Sound Parameters – EffectsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 102Feedback |Polarity 064 |positiveFeedback 0…127Controls the amount of signal that is routed ba
Sound Parameters – Effects103 Waldorf Q User’s ManualCutoff 0…127Cutoff 064Dampens the high frequency output of the Overdrive effect. Please note
Sound Parameters – EffectsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 104Source External / Aux / Inst.1 FX...Inst. FX 4 / Main in /Sub1 in / Sub2 inSelects the source of
Sound Parameters – Effects105 Waldorf Q User’s Manualdoesn´t produce all frequencies equally so the lowpass cuts the higher frequencies to produce a m
Sound Parameters – EffectsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 106Tap DelayLike the normal delay the Tap Delay produces echoes of the input signal. You can control
Sound Parameters – Effects107 Waldorf Q User’s ManualFeedback Ducking offFeedback Ducking off, 1...3Dampens the feedback signal generated by the del
Sound Parameters – EffectsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 108 LFE LP !Input HP082.4 Hz |110.0 HzLFE LP 10.9Hz...16.7kHzDetermines the crossover frequency bel
Sound Parameters – Effects109 Waldorf Q User’s ManualRearSR V.!Delay S1R 127 | 100.0 %Rear SR Volume 0...127Determines the volume of the effect si
Sound Parameters – EffectsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 110Vocoder The Vocoder effect is a special effect type. Only one Vocoder is allowed at a time. Whe
Introduction – What to read?Waldorf Q User’s Manual 12What to read?The biggest problem with any manual is to find a way to cover both the needs of an
Sound Parameters – Effects111 Waldorf Q User’s Manual5. Feed the Q´s audio input with your external signal and trigger one or more notes . Youshould
Sound Parameters – EffectsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 112Bandwidth -64…+63Controls the width of the synthesis bands. Negative values result in wider bands
Sound Parameters – Arpeggiator113 Waldorf Q User’s ManualArpeggiatorAn Arpeggiator is a device that splits an incoming MIDI chord into its single note
Sound Parameters – ArpeggiatorWaldorf Q User’s Manual 114• Press all keys of the chord simultaneously. This is the standard way as you would dowith t
Sound Parameters – Arpeggiator115 Waldorf Q User’s ManualArpeggiator Edit MenuThe following parameters can be accessed via the display menu. Press the
Sound Parameters – ArpeggiatorWaldorf Q User’s Manual 116Max.Notes! Clock 16 ! 12/192Max. Notes 1…16Sets the maximum number of notes that are us
Sound Parameters – Arpeggiator117 Waldorf Q User’s ManualSortOrder as played / reversed / Num Lo>Hi / Num Hi>Lo /Vel Lo>Hi / Ve
Sound Parameters – ArpeggiatorWaldorf Q User’s Manual 118• If Off is selected, the Note Off message of the previous note is sent right before the nex
Sound Parameters – Arpeggiator119 Waldorf Q User’s Manualnever exceed the maximum MIDI velocity 127 or minimum MIDI velocity 1. This means when youhav
Sound Parameters – ArpeggiatorWaldorf Q User’s Manual 120• If Ú is selected, the Arpeggiator plays the very first note of the note list. This might b
Introduction – What to read?13 Waldorf Q User’s ManualGlide ModeMixer BalanceRingModNoise / Ext. BalanceN/E Select F1 / F2 FeedRoutingFilter Selecting
Sound Parameters – Arpeggiator121 Waldorf Q User’s ManualArp Steplen ˜ / ¯…˛Arp Steplen01[˚˛˛˛˛˚˛˛˛˛˚˛˛˛˛˚˛˛˛˛˚˛˛˛˛˚˛˛˛˛˚˛˛˛˛˚˛˛˛˛]Changes the length
Sound Parameters – EnvelopesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 122EnvelopesThe Q’s envelopes allow you to manipulate sound parameters via rate or timed modulatio
Sound Parameters – Envelopes123 Waldorf Q User’s ManualADSR EnvelopeMost traditional synthesizers feature ADSR envelopes. These envelopes are made up
Sound Parameters – EnvelopesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 124ADS1DS2R EnvelopeA difficult name for an envelope that is quite easy to understand. Besides the
Sound Parameters – Envelopes125 Waldorf Q User’s ManualOne ShotThe One Shot envelope type is thought for percussive sounds that don’t need a stage tha
Sound Parameters – EnvelopesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 126Loop S1S2The Loop S1S2 envelope type loops the envelope between Sustain 1 and Sustain 2 as long
Sound Parameters – Envelopes127 Waldorf Q User’s ManualLoop AllThe Loop All envelope type is similar to the Loop S1S2 envelope type but it loops throu
Sound Parameters – Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO)Waldorf Q User’s Manual 128Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO)In addition to the main oscillators, the Q
Sound Parameters – Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO)129 Waldorf Q User’s Manual• The Sawtooth shape can generate interesting filter or volume changes.
Sound Parameters – Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO)Waldorf Q User’s Manual 130Fade out 64…in 63Controls the speed with which the LFO is faded in or out
Introduction – What to read?Waldorf Q User’s Manual 14If you are a synthesizer hotshotDo you own a whole bunch of various synthesizers of all flavours
Sound Parameters – Modulation Matrix131 Waldorf Q User’s ManualModulation MatrixA modulation can be described as influencing a sound parameter by a si
Sound Parameters – Modifier MatrixWaldorf Q User’s Manual 132Modifier MatrixModifiers allow you to perform mathematical functions on modulation signal
Sound Parameters – Control Delay133 Waldorf Q User’s Manual• MAX Returns the maximum value of either Source #1 or Source #2. If Source #1 isgreater t
Drum Map – Drum Map Sound MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 134Drum MapThe Q offers the creation of so-called Drum Maps, which are collections of 32 sounds
Drum Map – Drum Map Sound Menu135 Waldorf Q User’s Manual#01 Key |Transpose C1 | +00Key C-2…G8Defines the lowest key for the selected Drum Map
Global Parameters – Global MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 136Global ParametersGlobal parameters are settings that influence the Q’s general response. The
Global Parameters – Global Menu137 Waldorf Q User’s ManualLocal Ctr!Arp. Send off ! offLocal Control (Local Ctr) Off / OnDetermines, if
Global Parameters – Global MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 138• If On is selected, all Sound Parameter Changes are received, no matter if they were sent
Global Parameters – Global Menu139 Waldorf Q User’s Manual• HMT 3/5 creates thirds and fifths with a high scaled tuning affect. In extreme cases (for
Global Parameters – Global MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 140Ctrl W…Ctrl Z 0…120 Ctrl W | Ctrl X000 (00) |000 (00) Ctrl Y | Ctrl Z000 (00) |000 (00)The
Introduction – General Safety Guidelines15 Waldorf Q User’s ManualGeneral Safety Guidelines Please read the following safety tips carefully! They in
Global Parameters – Global Menu141 Waldorf Q User’s ManualOn Velocity Curve exp 2 / exp 1 / linear / log 1 / log 2 / fix 32...127On Velocity Curve ex
Global Parameters – Global MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 142The various curves are identical to the ones shown under “On Velocity Curve”. For a standa
Global Parameters – Global Menu143 Waldorf Q User’s ManualFootsw2 Mode/Ctrl.switch Cl| SustainFootsw2 Mode Off / switch Cl / toggle Cl / switch Op /
Global Parameters – Global MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 144Mix Level 0...127Determines the volume of the audio signal selected in the Mix In to menu.Di
Global Parameters – Global Menu145 Waldorf Q User’s ManualPedal/CV1 Gain 0...127Pedal/CV1 Gain 127Sets the maximum gain for Control Pedal/CV 1 that i
Global Parameters – Global MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 146Pedal/CV2 Gain 0...127Pedal/CV2 Gain 127Sets the maximum gain for Control Pedal/CV 2 that
Global Parameters – Utility menu147 Waldorf Q User’s ManualUtility menuBeside the different Midi Dump Options the Utility Menu offers further helpful
Global Parameters – Utility menuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 148Init DrumsInit Drums D01 [Utility]The Q provides a special function for setting a
MIDI Control – Channel Based MIDI Messages149 Waldorf Q User’s ManualMIDI ControlThis chapter describes the MIDI functions of the Waldorf Q.Channel Ba
MIDI Control – Channel Based MIDI MessagesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 150Pitchbend MessagesThe Q sends and receives Pitchbend Messages with a resolution o
Introduction – General Safety GuidelinesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 16• Use only a dry, soft cloth or brush to clean the device. Never use alcohol, clean
MIDI Control – Influencing / Editing Sounds over MIDI151 Waldorf Q User’s ManualPedalsThe Pedals send on the controller numbers they are set to in the
MIDI Control – System Exclusive Data TransmissionWaldorf Q User’s Manual 152You can find a detailed description of the commands and data formats as a
MIDI Control – System Exclusive Data Transmission153 Waldorf Q User’s ManualReceiving System Exclusive DataYou are not required to activate a special
Other Functions – Updating the System SoftwareWaldorf Q User´s Manual 154 Other FunctionsUpdating the Sys
Other Functions – Updating the System Software155 Waldorf Q User’s Manual7. Wait until the operation is completed. If updating was successful, the Q
Other Functions – The HMT functionWaldorf Q User’s Manual 156The HMT functionThe tuning of the Q is not static, but rather dynamic. It adjusts itself
Other Functions – Tips & Tricks157 Waldorf Q User’s ManualTips & Tricks• Noise as FM Source for an oscillator gives a coloured noise output w
Appendix – Technical DataWaldorf Q User’s Manual 158AppendixTechnical DataPower SupplyNominal voltage: AC 100…240VMaximum current consumption: 1.2AMax
Appendix - IndexParameterPage ManualParameterPage ManualParameterPage ManualParameterPage ManualAAE (mono)65EEngine (Multi)43PPan (Filter)88TTempo (De
Appendix – MIDI Signalflow DiagramWaldorf Q User’s Manual 160MIDI Signalflow DiagramKeyboardWheels, CV In,PedalsMIDI InEngineKey/Vel.FilterMIDIMessag
Setup and Connection – Inventory17 Waldorf Q User’s ManualSetup and ConnectionInventoryThe Waldorf Q comes complete with:• the Q/Q+ or the Q Rack• p
Appendix – Glossary161 Waldorf Q User’s ManualGlossaryAftertouchThe majority of contemporary keyboards are capableof generating aftertouch messages. O
Appendix – GlossaryWaldorf Q User’s Manual 162dampens the frequencies below the cutoff. The bandpass filter allows only those frequencies around thecu
Appendix – Glossary163 Waldorf Q User’s ManualMIDI ChannelThis is a very important element of most messages. Areceiver can only respond to incoming me
Appendix – GlossaryWaldorf Q User’s Manual 164VCFVCF is the acronym for voltage-controlled filter. It is afilter component that allows you to manipula
Appendix – Controller Numbers165 Waldorf Q User’s ManualController NumbersControllers marked with * don’t change the Sound program but can perform tem
Appendix – Controller NumbersWaldorf Q User’s Manual 166Ctrl # Controller Range Controller Name orSound ParameterValue Range32 0…3 Bank Select LSB* Ba
Appendix – Controller Numbers167 Waldorf Q User’s ManualCtrl # Controller Range Controller Name orSound ParameterValue Range64 0…127 Sustain Pedal* of
Appendix – Controller NumbersWaldorf Q User’s Manual 168Ctrl # Controller Range Controller Name orSound ParameterValue Range96 0…127 FE Decay 0…12797
Appendix – MIDI Implementation Chart169 Waldorf Q User’s ManualMIDI Implementation ChartModel: Waldorf Q Keyboard / Q RackDate: June/02/2001Version: 3
Appendix – Declaration of ConformityWaldorf Q User’s Manual 170
Setup and Connection – ConnectionsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 18InThruOutMIDIMAIN OUT SUB OUT 1 SUB OUT 2 PEDALINLeft/Stereo Right/MonoD.OUTLeft/Stereo Ri
FCC Information (U.S.A.)1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! This product, when installed as indicated in the instructionscontained in this M
©Waldorf-Music AG 2003• All rights reserved •Printed in GermanyWaldorf-Music AG • Schloß Ahrenthal • D-53489 Sinzig • GermanyPhone: +49-(0) 26 42 - 90
Setup and Connection – Audio Connections19 Waldorf Q User’s Manual6. Then switch on the computer (if connected), the mixing console and finally the a
Setup and Connection – External InputWaldorf Q User’s Manual 20External InputThe Q offers a stereo External In jack that can be used to feed an exte
➤Vielen Dank für den Kauf dieses Waldorf Produktes. Es zeichnet sich durchZuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit aus. Dennoch können Material- oderVerarbei
Overview – Memory Structure21 Waldorf Q User’s ManualOverviewMemory StructureThe memory architecture of the Q is divided into four main sections as sh
Overview – Memory CardWaldorf Q User’s Manual 22Memory CardYou can expand the number of program locations by using a memory card of the type Q-Card 25
Basic Operation – Switching on23 Waldorf Q User’s ManualBasic OperationSwitching onThe Q is equipped with a software-based power control, which means
Basic Operation – Panic FunctionWaldorf Q User’s Manual 24 Switching off: 8After counting down to 0 the Q will switch off. If you release the Power b
Basic Operation – The Master Section25 Waldorf Q User’s ManualThe Master SectionMost of the basic operations like managing programs are done in the Ma
Basic Operation – Selecting ProgramsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 26In Single Mode, you can either select Drum Maps, Pattern or Sound Programs. These are se
Basic Operation – Selecting Programs27 Waldorf Q User’s ManualBank BStep 9-16Bank CStep 17-24Bank DStep 25-32Bank AStep 1-8PatternMultiSoundSelectMult
Basic Operation – Selecting ProgramsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 28Bank HoldThe Bank Hold function gives further enhancement to the numerical program selec
Basic Operation – Selecting Programs29 Waldorf Q User’s Manual☞ To select a card program:1. Please make sure the Memory-Card is plugged properly int
Basic Operation – Instruments and SoundsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 30Instruments and SoundsSwitching between Instruments to change SoundsAs mentioned bef
4Produktunterstützung / Product Support✁Wenn Sie Fragen zu Ihrem Waldorf Produkt haben, gibt es vierMöglichkeiten, uns zu kontaktieren:If you have any
Basic Operation – Editing Parameters31 Waldorf Q User’s ManualEditing Sounds in LayersYou can edit individual Sounds in Layers. This helps you to fine
Basic Operation – Editing ParametersWaldorf Q User’s Manual 32• 1 Pattern edit buffers:This buffer hold the currently edited sequencer pattern. The
Basic Operation – Editing Parameters33 Waldorf Q User’s ManualEditing Alternative Panel ParametersMost of the controls on the front panel have alterna
Basic Operation – Editing ParametersWaldorf Q User’s Manual 34the panel to the same state when the Sound is selected again. The only selection buttons
Basic Operation – Editing Parameters35 Waldorf Q User’s ManualThe procedure for setting up these parameters is the same as adjusting other display men
Basic Operation – Editing ParametersWaldorf Q User’s Manual 36Inst:1 Sound:A001c Zeitlos T4. You will hear the unedited version of your prog
Basic Operation – Editing Parameters37 Waldorf Q User’s ManualStore Sound to A00101[Zeitlos T]4. Use the page dial to select the destination p
Multi Mode – Selecting an Instrument for editingWaldorf Q User’s Manual 38Multi ModeThe Waldorf Q offers a 16 part Multi mode. As soon as you want to
Multi Mode – Instrument settings39 Waldorf Q User’s Manual1. Hold down the Multimode button and choose the desired instrument with the red dial whileb
Multi Mode – Instrument settingsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 40 A Multi in the internal memory can point to a Sound that is stored on card or vice versa.
Foreword – Development5 Waldorf Q User’s ManualForewordThank you for purchasing the Waldorf Q, the Q Rack or the Q+. You now own a synthesizerfeaturin
Multi Mode – Instrument settings41 Waldorf Q User’s ManualOutput Main Out, Sub Out1, Sub Out2, FX1, FX2, FX3, FX4, AuxOutputMain OutOutput sets the au
Multi Mode – Instrument settingsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 42Tx.Status Off / Direct / Sequencer / Seq.+Arp.This parameter determines the data being trans
Multi Mode – Instrument settings43 Waldorf Q User’s Manual With this Multimode parameters you can quickly create a live setup with only certaininstr
Multi Mode – Instrument settingsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 44LowKey |HighKey 1 C-2 | G8LowKey C-2…G8Equivalent to the velocity switching paramete
Multi Mode – Instrument settings45 Waldorf Q User’s Manual The most important Sound parameters of the Q can be controlled by MIDI ContinuousControll
Multi Mode – Instrument settingsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 46All of the Multimode parameters can be changed in VU Mode. In addition to the Level Modepara
Step Sequencer – Editing Sequence Patterns47 Waldorf Q User’s ManualStep SequencerA Step Sequencer is a classic module to play back a number of notes
Step Sequencer – Editing Sequence PatternsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 48Deselecting all StepsTo prevent that the sequence pattern is accidentally changed,
Step Sequencer – Editing Sequence Patterns49 Waldorf Q User’s ManualHolding Notes over More Than One StepAlthough you can change the length of each st
Step Sequencer – Sequencer Panel ControlsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 503. Turn the controls as you like. The changes are relative to all selected steps w
Control Features and Connections – Front Panel Q KeyboardWaldorf Q User’s Manual 6Control Features and ConnectionsFront Panel Q KeyboardPicture 1: Fr
Step Sequencer – Sequencer Rotaries51 Waldorf Q User’s Manual• Press Bank Select to deselect all selected steps.• Press Bank Select+Step 1-8…Step 25
Step Sequencer – Sequencer Edit MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 52 Pattern #001 SchuppenShampoo!You can select the corresponding menu pages through the
Step Sequencer – Sequencer Edit Menu53 Waldorf Q User’s ManualNote 1...8With the value Note 1 to 8 you can supplementary edit the recorded notes per s
Step Sequencer – Sequencer Edit MenuWaldorf Q User’s Manual 54Transpose QuantizeNext CycleTranspose Quantize Next Step / Next Bank / Next CycleDetermi
Sound Parameters – Overview of Functions55 Waldorf Q User’s ManualSound ParametersOverview of FunctionsThe Waldorf Q consists of numerous sound-shapin
Sound Parameters – The TempoWaldorf Q User’s Manual 56Envelopes are for modulations that occur once on each note. These generators areassigned to para
Sound Parameters – Modulation Speed Levels57 Waldorf Q User’s ManualThis setting is only useful for special setups where you need to control a device
Sound Parameters – Modulation Speed LevelsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 58Fast ModulationThough not calculated in sample speed, the Fast Modulation calculat
Sound Parameters – Modulation Speed Levels59 Waldorf Q User’s ManualThe following table shows all available Fast Modulation sources:Fast Modulation so
Sound Parameters – Modulation Speed LevelsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 60FE Sustain Sustain (and Sustain 2) level of Filter EnvelopeFE Release Release rate
Control Features and Connections – Frontpanel Q Rack7Waldorf Q User’s ManualFrontpanel Q RackPicture 2: Front Panel Q Rack햲 System Volume rotary. Con
Sound Parameters – Modulation Speed Levels61 Waldorf Q User’s ManualMAXIMUM constant for maximum modulation (equals +1)Button 1 assignable button 1But
Sound Parameters – Xphorm – Interpolating between two soundsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 62Xphorm – Interpolating between two soundsThe Xphorm function giv
Sound Parameters – Xphorm – Interpolating between two sounds63 Waldorf Q User
Sound Parameters – Triggering of VoicesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 64Triggering of VoicesAs soon as a note is played, the Q triggers one or several voices
Sound Parameters – Triggering of Voices65 Waldorf Q User’s Manual Trig FE ! AE (mono) Normal ! SingleTriggering of the Filter Envelope (Trig FE)Deter
Sound Parameters – OscillatorsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 66OscillatorsThe Waldorf Q is equipped with three oscillators that have almost the same function
Sound Parameters – Oscillators67 Waldorf Q User’s ManualThe Sawtooth WaveThe Sawtooth Wave is the most popular synthesizer waveform. It consists of al
Sound Parameters – OscillatorsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 68The Square WaveThe Square Wave is a special waveform generated by a pulse waveform with 50% pu
Sound Parameters – Oscillators69 Waldorf Q User’s ManualThe Pulse WaveThe Pulse Wave is the most versatile wave in a classic synthesizer because its s
Sound Parameters – OscillatorsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 70The Triangle WaveThe Triangle Wave is very similar to the square wave. It is made of the same
Control Features and Connections – Rear PanelWaldorf Q User’s Manual 8Rear PanelTo reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover. No user-ser
Sound Parameters – Oscillators71 Waldorf Q User’s ManualWavetable SynthesisThe sound generation of the alternative waveforms (Alt1 and Alt2) of the Q
Sound Parameters – OscillatorsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 72Oscillators Panel ControlsThe most important controls of the oscillators can be found on the f
Sound Parameters – Oscillators73 Waldorf Q User’s Manual Organ sounds often include a fifth, therefore one oscillator's semitone parameter must
Sound Parameters – OscillatorsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 74behaviour is the Pulse shape. However, the term “waveform” is used interchangeably throughout
Sound Parameters – Oscillators75 Waldorf Q User’s Manualthan Pulse, Alt1 or Alt2 this parameter does not have any effect The following picture illustr
Sound Parameters – OscillatorsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 76Alt1 and Alt2 waveformsAt this point we offer a few more hints and tips about the „Alternate W
Sound Parameters – Oscillators77 Waldorf Q User’s ManualThis oscillator synced to this oscillator results in this wavenew cycle of master oscillatorPi
Sound Parameters – OscillatorsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 78Oscillators Edit MenuThe following parameters can be accessed via the display menu. Press the
Sound Parameters – Glide79 Waldorf Q User’s Manual• Tempered is the normal equal stage tuning for electronic keyboard instrument. HMT is notactive in
Sound Parameters – MixerWaldorf Q User’s Manual 80MixerIn the Mixer, you control the volumes of the oscillators, the noise generator and an external s
Contents – Rear Panel9 Waldorf Q User’s ManualContentsForeword...5Development...
Sound Parameters – Mixer81 Waldorf Q User’s ManualOsc2 0…127Volume of Oscillator 2.Osc2 Balance F1 64…mid…F2 63Determines the ratio of the oscillator’
Sound Parameters – MixerWaldorf Q User’s Manual 82 Ring Modulation can be very interesting with a slow pitch modulation that is applied to oneoscill
Sound Parameters – Mixer83 Waldorf Q User’s ManualN/E Select F1 / F2 Feed Noise / ExtLeft / ExtRight / ExtL+RSets the input signal sources that are fe
Sound Parameters – RoutingWaldorf Q User’s Manual 84RoutingThe Routing section is one of the advanced features of the Q. Its purpose is to control the
Sound Parameters – Filter85 Waldorf Q User’s ManualFilterOnce the audio signal leaves the mixer, it is sent to the filters. The Q has two independent
Sound Parameters – FilterWaldorf Q User’s Manual 86If the resonance is raised to a great extent, then the filter will begin self-oscillation, i.e. the
Sound Parameters – Filter87 Waldorf Q User’s ManualFilter Panel ControlsThe most commonly used controls of the filters can be found on the front panel
Sound Parameters – FilterWaldorf Q User’s Manual 88time. Sounds with a hard attack usually have a positive envelope amount that makes the start phaseb
Sound Parameters – Filter89 Waldorf Q User’s ManualAdditional Controls on the Q KeyboardCutoff Mod -64…+63Controls the amount of cutoff modulation. Po
Sound Parameters – Filter TypesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 90Filter TypesThis paragraph describes the Q’s different filter types. Most types are based on
Contents – Rear PanelWaldorf Q User’s Manual 10Oscillators...66Oscillator Shapes...
Sound Parameters – Filter Types91 Waldorf Q User’s ManualFrequencyLevelCutoffResonancePicture 28: Band Bass Filter Type24dB High Pass and 12dB High P
Sound Parameters – Filter TypesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 92FrequencyLevelCutoffPicture 30: Notch Filter TypeOn Notch filter types, the Resonance parame
Sound Parameters – Filter Types93 Waldorf Q User’s ManualFrequencyLevelCutoff determines number of teethResonancePicture 32: Comb – Filter TypeSo, as
Sound Parameters – Filter TypesWaldorf Q User’s Manual 94hear that when you change LFO Keytrack or Filter Keytrack. Then each voice soundswith a diffe
Sound Parameters – Filter Types95 Waldorf Q User’s ManualOscillator Comb+ Comb-64’ 11 2332’ 23 3516’ 35 478’ 47 594’ 59 712’ 71 83Table 10: Comb Fil
Sound Parameters – AmplifierWaldorf Q User’s Manual 96AmplifierThis unit is almost the last part in the Q’s signal routing, only followed by the Effec
Sound Parameters – Amplifier97 Waldorf Q User’s ManualAmplifer Edit MenuThe following parameters can be accessed via the display menu of the Q Rack on
Sound Parameters – EffectsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 98EffectsThe Q offers eight separate effect units. They are grouped to two effects working on four d
Sound Parameters – Effects99 Waldorf Q User’s ManualFX1 Type BypassFX2 Type Delay The 5.1 Delay Types are only available on the FX2 unit.BypassDisab
Sound Parameters – EffectsWaldorf Q User’s Manual 100 Speed | Depth 064 | 064Speed 0…127Sets the LFO speed of the Flanger effect.Depth 0…127S
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