Installation Largo User´s Manual 10 3. Double click on the Largo Installer icon to load the installation software. Follow the instruc
Installation 11 Largo User´s Manual 3. Enter the 32 digit activation code that was included in your Largo package. Confirm it and follo
Basic Operation Largo User´s Manual 12 Basic Operation Worth Knowing about Parts Largo offers a sound structure with four parts. All four
Basic Operation 13 Largo User´s Manual Control Elements Using Largo’s controls is simple. There are some different types of control elements:
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 14 Sound Parameter Overview of Functions The Waldorf Largo consists of numerous sound-shaping components.
Sound Parameter 15 Largo User´s Manual • Save All Programs up to this Program saves all sounds from sound program 1 to the cur
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 16 w Please note that some host applications as Steinberg Cubase 4 or newer use an additional sound
Sound Parameter 17 Largo User´s Manual show „Programs“ only, show „Banks“ only or show „AudioUnit Setting“ (Mac only). • File Browser
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 18 • Paste – pastes the copied Programs into the currently selected Programs. If there are less P
Sound Parameter 19 Largo User´s Manual programs, such as a plain text editor (no rich text editor since that one understands dr
Foreword Largo User´s Manual 2 Foreword Thank you for purchasing the Waldorf Largo. You now own a synthesizer with real Waldorf DNA featuring a wid
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 20 Working with the File Browser The view is divided into three columns. The first column shows the file or
Sound Parameter 21 Largo User´s Manual • Add... – shows a file select dialog to select files that are copied into the selected folder
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 22 moves the selected files or folders to the highlighted folder. Note: the files and folders are *moved
Sound Parameter 23 Largo User´s Manual “waveform”, because it doesn’t necessarily set only one waveform, but sets a specific oscillat
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 24 [ The Sine shape can be used to produce basses and electric organ sounds. [ The Sine shape is al
Sound Parameter 25 Largo User´s Manual Semitone -12...+12 Sets the pitch of the oscillator in semitone steps. The standard settin
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 26 FM Source see table „FM Sources“ Selects the source for the frequency modulation of the selected
Sound Parameter 27 Largo User´s Manual [ A pulse width of around 30% can be used for e-piano or fat bass sounds. [ A pulse widt
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 28 Brilliance 0...127 Determines the brilliance of the ocillator models Saw, Pulse and all Wavetable
Sound Parameter 29 Largo User´s Manual Level 0...127 Available for Oscillator 1 and 2 only. Sub Oscillator Level determines the volume
Foreword 3 Largo User´s Manual Largo Development Team Software: Wolfram Franke, Stefan Stenzel 64 Bit and AAX Porting: Thomas Rehaag D
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 30 [ To create a common pitch vibrato that is controlled by the modwheel, set Osc Pitch Mod Source to
Sound Parameter 31 Largo User´s Manual can be used to add metallic distorted sound characteristics. This is useful e.g. when gen
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 32 beaches and other sound effects can be created by using the noise generator. Noise Balance F1 64...mid...F2
Sound Parameter 33 Largo User´s Manual signal flow from a parallel to a serial filter configuration and vice versa. This is how the
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 34 • When a comb type is selected, the frequencies near the cutoff frequency are emphasized (comb+) or
Sound Parameter 35 Largo User´s Manual changes to a sine wave. This drive type is very effective in combination with amplitude m
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 36 differences when you change the Resonance because of phase changes. Anyway, the effect isn’t tha
Sound Parameter 37 Largo User´s Manual amount, and vice versa. A setting of +100% corresponds to a 1:1 scale, so e.g. when an octave
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 38 the keyboard. Negative amounts will decrease the cutoff frequency when positive modulation is applied
Sound Parameter 39 Largo User´s Manual commonly used setting, which gives a piano-like character. With negative settings, the volume de
Content Largo User´s Manual 4 Content Foreword ... 2!What t
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 40 throughout all music styles. Please note that Glide affects the pitch of all oscillators. Time 0...127 Dete
Sound Parameter 41 Largo User´s Manual Unisono Detune 0...127 Controls the detuning of the Unison voices. Each voice is detuned differently
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 42 Voices 1...256 Largo offers up to 256 voices. The number of available voices depends on the availa
Sound Parameter 43 Largo User´s Manual • The Sine shape is best suited for oscillator FM or pan modulations. • The Triangle sha
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 44 When the LFO Clock parameter is set to On, you can adjust the Speed in musical values. The lowest
Sound Parameter 45 Largo User´s Manual Fade -64…+63 Controls the speed with which the LFO is faded in or out. With this parameter you can cr
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 46 w The Parameter Controls of all envelopes are nearly similar. w A detailled introduction of the
Sound Parameter 47 Largo User´s Manual The Additional Envelope Parameter Attack Level 0...127 Controls the level at each the Attack phase e
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 48 multiplication of the source signal and this parameter, the resulting amplitude depends on the type of
Sound Parameter 49 Largo User´s Manual Op (Operation) see table Determines which kind of operation will be performed on the selected input
Content 5 Largo User´s Manual The Comb Filter Types ... 76!Envelope Types in the Largo ...
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 50 The Arpeggiator An Arpeggiator is a device that splits an incoming MIDI chord into its single notes
Sound Parameter 51 Largo User´s Manual • Press and hold the first key of the chord. While holding this key, enter the other keys seq
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 52 notes with velocities 64, 120 and 96, the note list will be sorted to 64, 96 and 120. • Vel Hi>Lo is the
Sound Parameter 53 Largo User´s Manual Octave Range 1...10 Determines the range of the single notes in octaves. When it is set to 1 Oct, th
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 54 Pattern Reset off / on When all steps of an arpeggio pattern are played back, the pattern is repeated fro
Sound Parameter 55 Largo User´s Manual • User gives you the ability to create your own custom rhythm pattern. This pattern is stored
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 56 • If off is selected, the Note Off message of the previous note is sent right before the ne
Sound Parameter 57 Largo User´s Manual hear it. This feature is the opposite to Step set to o pause, which doesn’t generate any note an
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 58 • If Pause o is selected, the Arpeggiator plays nothing at this step position. When Length is set to
Sound Parameter 59 Largo User´s Manual w Please note that Glide function must be set to off when you want to set Arp Glide for indi
Overview Largo User´s Manual 6 OverviewUser Interface a Head-up section b Main parameter section c Module parameter section d Virtual Keyboar
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 60 Type Bypass / Chorus / Flanger / Phaser / Overdrive / Delay / Reverb Sets the type of effect produced by t
Sound Parameter 61 Largo User´s Manual Polarity Pos / Neg Controls if the signal is fed back normally or inverted. Feedback 0…127 Feeds t
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 62 Depth 0…127 Sets the modulation depth of the Phaser effect. Center 0…127 Controls the basic delay length
Sound Parameter 63 Largo User´s Manual w Please note that the setting of the Mix parameter doesn’t affect the strength of the overdr
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 64 creates the typical “high frequency loss” that often happens in natural echoes. A setting of 1
Sound Parameter 65 Largo User´s Manual reverb as if the signal were reflected by a uneven surface. Settings above 100 change the room c
Sound Parameter Largo User´s Manual 66 Chamber 2-5 0-40 Room 2-10 ~64 Club 10-16 ~64 Medium Hall 16-32 ~64 Large Hall 32-64 ~64 Car Park 50-80 0-40
Appendix 67 Largo User´s Manual Appendix Oscillators Introduction The oscillator is the first building block of a synthesizer. It delivers t
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 68 partials. In most waveforms, the partial with the lowest frequency is dominant, meaning that this partial i
Appendix 69 Largo User´s Manual bow pulling the string slightly into one direction. At one point, the string abruptly comes off the
Introduction 7 Largo User´s Manual Introduction About this Manual This manual was written to help you to become familiar with the Largo
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 70 tube that can contain a certain amount of air. The player blows air through the tube in a way such that the air sta
Appendix 71 Largo User´s Manual very symmetrical harmonic content, while all other pulse widths create peaks or troughs at certain fre
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 72 Additive components of the Triangle wave The reason why the triangle wave is so popular in classic synthesizers:
Appendix 73 Largo User´s Manual This principle offers powerful capabilities. To give some examples: • Each note on a keyboard can acc
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 74 20 Polated 54 19/twenty 21 Transient 55 Wavetrip1 22 ElectricP 56 Wavetrip2 23 Robotic 57 Wavetrip3 24 StrongHrm 58
Appendix 75 Largo User´s Manual To give you an idea of the extent of damping, consider this example of a low pass filter: A
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 76 The Comb Filter Types The Comb filter types differ from the other filter types greatly, because they don’t
Appendix 77 Largo User´s Manual Comb – Filter Type So, as with all other filter types, the Comb filter is controlled with two para
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 78 [ You can also pan the original, i.e. low pass filtered signal, to one stereo side and route 50% into Filter 2,
Appendix 79 Largo User´s Manual [ Use Filter Keytrack with an amount of 100% to create really different flangings depending on
Installation Largo User´s Manual 8 Installation System Requirements for Windows In order to be able to use the Largo, you will need at least: • A
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 80 2. Turn up Resonance to around 114 to 127. 3. Turn up Filter Keytrack to +100% to have Filter Cutoff cha
Appendix 81 Largo User´s Manual Envelope Types in the Largo ADSR Envelope Most traditional synthesizers feature ADSR envelopes. These e
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 82 Decay and Sustain pair. With these additional parameters, you can create much more complex envelopes. ADS1DS2R En
Appendix 83 Largo User´s Manual Loop S1S2 Envelope Loop All Envelope The Loop All envelope type is similar to the Loop S1S2 envelo
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 84 FM Sources FM Source: Description: off No modulation Osc1 Oscillator 1 Signal Osc2 Oscillator 2 Signal Osc3 Oscilla
Appendix 85 Largo User´s Manual (equals +1) Voice Num Current voice number as Mod Source Voice %16, %8, %4, %2 Used voice number as Mod Sourc
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 86 AE Sustain Sustain (and Sustain 2) level of Amp Envelope AE Release Release rate of Amp Envelope E3 Attack Attack r
Appendix 87 Largo User´s Manual Just keep in mind that the LFOs have a maximum speed of around 2500 Hz and that they can produce alia
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 88 Controller Numbers Controllers marked with * don’t change the Sound program but can perform temporary modula
Appendix 89 Largo User´s Manual sawtooth, random, S&H 16 0…127 LFO 1 Speed 0…127 or 256 bars…1/96 17 0…1 LFO 1 Sync off, on 18 0…127 LFO
Installation 9 Largo User´s Manual 2. Double click on the archive file to extraxt it. 3. Double click on the Largo Installer icon. This launc
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 90 47 0…127 Osc 3 PW 0…127 48 0…127 Osc 3 PWM -64…+63 49 0…1 Sync off, on 50 0…127 Pitchmod -64…+63 51 0…9 Glide Mode
Appendix 91 Largo User´s Manual 77 0…127 Filter 1 Pan L64…center…R63 78 0…127 Filter 1 Panmod -64…+63 79 0…10 Filter 2 Type See Filter types
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 92 115 0…127 E4 Sustain 0…127 116 0…127 E4 Decay 2 0…127 117 0…127 E4 Sustain 2 0…127 118 0…127 E4 Release 0…127 119 -
Appendix 93 Largo User´s Manual Glossary Aftertouch The majority of contemporary keyboards are capable of generating aftertouch messag
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 94 Clipping Clipping is a sort of distortion that occurs when a signal exceeds its maximum value. The curve of a
Appendix 95 Largo User´s Manual frequency. A high pass filter in turn dampens the frequencies below the cutoff. The band pass filt
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 96 MIDI Thru has a special function. It allows the sender to transmit to several receivers. It routes the incoming sig
Appendix 97 Largo User´s Manual Program Change These are MIDI messages that switch sound programs. Program numbers 1 through 128
Appendix Largo User´s Manual 98 in shape, the result will sound smooth and pleasant. If, however, the shapes are completely different
Appendix 99 Largo User´s Manual Product Support If you have any questions about your Waldorf product, feel free to contact us vi
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